Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
   McKinley hollered McKinley s  qualled
Doctor said "McKinley   death is on the wall  
‪Say it to me   if you got something to confess  
I heard all about i  t he was going down s  low ‬
‪I heard it on   the wireless ra  dio ‬
‪From down in the boon  docks way down in Key   West ‬
‪I'm searching for love   for inspiration  
   ‪On that pirate radio sta  tion
‪Coming out of Luxem  bourg and Budapest  
  Radio signal's clear as can   be
‪I'm so deep in love   that I can hardly see  
‪Down on the   flat lands way down in   Key West
  Key West is the place to be ‬
‪If you're   looking for immor  tality ‬
  Stay on the road follow the highway   sign ‬
  Key West is fine and fair ‬
‪If you   lost your mind you will   find it there
‪Key West   is on the horizon   line
‪I was   born on the wrong side of the rail  road track
  Like Ginsberg Corso and Kerouac  
‪Like Louis and Jim  my and Buddy and all the rest  
‪Well it might   not be the thing to do  
‪But I'm   sticking with you through and through  
‪Down in the flat lands   way down in Key   West
‪I got both of   my feet planted square   on the ground ‬
‪Got my right hand high   with the thumb down  
‪Such is life   such is happi  ness
‪Hibiscus   flowers they grow everywhere here  
‪If you wear one   put it behind your ear  
‪Down in the bottom   way down in Key West  
  Key West is the place to go
  Down by the Gulf of Mexi  co ‬
‪Beyond the   city beyond the sifting sands  
  Key West is the gateway key ‬
‪to   innocence and puri  ty ‬
‪Key West Key West   is the enchanted land  
  I've never lived in the la  nd of Oz ‬
‪Or   wasted my time with an unworthy   cause ‬
‪It's hot down here   and you can't be ove  rdressed
  China blossoms of a to  xic plant ‬
‪They can   make you dizzy I'd like to help you but I   can't
‪Down in the flat   lands way down in Key   West ‬
‪Well the   fish tail ponds and the   orchid trees
‪They can   give you that bleeding heart disease  
‪People tell me   I ought to try a little te  nderness ‬
‪On   Newton Street Bay   view Park ‬
  Walking in the shadow after   dark ‬
‪Down un  der way down in Key   West ‬
   ‪I played Gumbo Limbo spirituals  
   ‪I know all the Hindu rituals  
‪People tell me   that I'm truly blessed  
B  ougainvillea blooming in the s  ummer in the spring
W  inter here is an unknown   thing
Down in the flat l  ands way down in Key W  est
K  ey West is under the sun u  nder the radar u  nder the gun
You s  tay to the left and then you lean to the   right
   Feel the sunlight on your skin t  he healing virtues of the w  ind
   Key West Key West is the land o  f light
   Wherever I travel where  ver I roam
I'm n  ot that far before I c  ome back home
I do what I t  hink is right what I t  hink is best
H  istory street off off M  allory Square
   Truman had his White House t  here
East   bound west bound way down i  n Key West
   Twelve years old they p  ut me in a suit
   Forced me to marry a prostitute  
There were g  old fringes on her wedding d  ress
T  hat's my story but not w  here it ends
She's s  till cute and we're still f  riends
D  own on the bottom way down in Key   West
   I play both sides against t  he middle
T  ryin' to pick up that pirate radio signal   
I heard the news   I heard y  our last request
   Fly around my pretty little Miss  
I don't love n  obody give me a kiss   
Down on the bott  om way down in Key   West
   Key West is the place to be
If y  ou're looking for immort  ality
K  ey West is paradise div  ine
   Key West is fine and fair
If you l  ost your mind you'll f  ind it there
K  ey West is on the horizon l  ine


guitari9, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-14
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