Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Robert Dylan
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :                                
Well I t  ook me a woman late last night
I was three-fourths drunk she looked alr  ight                        
'Til she   started peelin' off her onion-gook
She took off her wig an' said "How do I l  ook?"          
I was h  igh-flyin'                
Bare-n  aked                 
Out the w  indow                                     
Well s  ometimes I might get drunk
Walk like a duck and s  mell like a s  kunk
Don't   hurt me none it don't hurt my pride
'Cause I got my little lady right by my s  ide            
She's-a t  ryin' to hi  de            
Pretendin' s  he don't know m  e                                            
I's   out there paintin' on the old woodshed
When a can of black paint it fell on my h  ead           
  I went down to scrub and rub
But I had to sit in b  ack of the t  ub           
Cost a q  uarter   
Well my t  elephone rang it would not stop
It's President Kennedy callin' me u  p            
He said "  My friend Bob what do we need to make the country grow?"
I said "My friend John Brigitte Bard  ot            
Anita E  kberg                  
Sophia L  oren                 
Country-O-  Grow"                                                    
Well I   got a woman four feet short
She yells and hollers and s  creams and s  norts           
She   tickles my nose pats me on the head
Rolls me over and k  icks me outta b  ed            
She's a m  an-eate  r            
M  eat-grind  er           
Bad loser                                                      
Oh t  here ain't no use in me workin' all the time
I got a woman who works h  erself b  lind
Works   up to her britches up to her neck
Writes me letters and s  ends me c  hecks
She's a h  umdinger                 
Folk   singer                                               
  Late one day in the middle of the week
Eyes were closed I was h  alf as  leep
I   chased me a woman up the hill
Right in the middle of an a  ir raid d  rill          
I jumped the f  allout shelt  er           
I jumped the s  tring-bean                 
I jumped the T  V dinner                 
I jumped the s  hotgun                              
Now the m  an on the stand he wants my vote
He's a-runnin' for office on a   ballot no  te
He's   out there preachin' in front of the steeple
Tellin' me he loves all k  inds of p  eople          
He's eatin' b  agels                  
He's eatin' p  izza                 
He's eatin' c  hitlin  s                                               
Oh I s  et me down on the television floor
I flipped the channel on to n  umber f  our
  Out of the shower comes a football man
With a bottle of oil i  n his h  and           
Greasy k  id stuff                              
But what   I want to know Mr. Football Man
Is what do you do about     Willy M  ays?                         
Martin Luthe  r King?               
Oula Tunj  ee?                                                         
Well the f  unniest woman I ever seen
Was the great-granddaughter of Mr. C  lean         
She takes   about fifteen baths a day
Wants me to grow a mustache o  n my f  ace
She's i  nsane                                                    
Well ya a  sk me why I'm drunk all the time
It levels my head and e  ases my m  ind           
I just   walk along and stroll and sing
I'll see better days and I'll d  o better t  hings         
I'll catch d  inosaurs                 
Make love to E  lizabeth Taylo  r            
Catch hell from   Richard Burto  n                                                 


guitari9, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-08
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