Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Robert Dylan
Capo I
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Oh I'm s  ailin' away my ow  n true lo  ve
I'm s  ailin' a  way in the m  orning
is there s  omething I can send you from ac  ross the s  ea
From the   place that I  'll be l  anding?
No there's   nothin' you can send me my o  wn true l  ove
There's n  othin' I   wish to be o  wnin'
Just c  arry yourself back to m  e unspo  iled
From ac  ross that lo  nesome o  cean.
Oh but I   just thought you might w  ant somet  hing fine
Made of   silver o  r of gol  den
Either f  rom the mounta  ins of Madri  d
Or from t  he coast of   Barcelon  a?
Oh but if   I had the stars from the d  arkest ni  ght
And the d  iamonds from the de  epest oc  ean
I'd f  orsake them all for yo  ur sweet k  iss
For that's a  ll I'm wis  hin' to be o  wnin'.
That I m  ight be gone a lo  ng time  
And it  's only th  at I'm a  skin'
Is there s  omething I can sen  d you to reme  mber me by
To make y  our time more   easy pa  ssin'?
Oh how c  an how can you a  sk me a  gain
It on  ly brin  gs me so  rrow
But the s  ame thing I would w  ant to  day
I would   want ag  ain tomo  rrow.
When I g  ot a letter on a l  onesome d  ay
It was f  rom her s  hip a-sa  ilin'
Saying I   don't know when I'll be co  min' back a  gain
It depen  ds on ho  w I'm a-  feelin'.
Well if y  ou my love must th  ink that-a  -way
I'm sur  e your m  ind is r  oamin'
I'm sure   your thoughts are no  t with m  e
But with the   country to wh  ere you're   goin'.
So take he  ed take heed of the w  estern wi  nd
Take hee  d of the   stormy w  eather
And ye  s there's something you can se  nd back t  o me
Spanish bo  ots of Sp  anish le  ather.


philou2585, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-10-08
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