Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Dylan Bob
Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
While ridi  ng on a train g  oing west
I fell aslee  p for to take m  y rest.
I dreamed a dream t  hat made me s  ad    
Concerning myself and the   first few f  riends I had  .         
With half   damp eyes I sta  red to the room
Where my fri  ends and I spen  t many an afternoon
Where we together w  eathered many   a storm    
Laughing and singing 'til  l the early   hours of the   morn.    
By the old   wooden stove w  here our hats were hung
Our words we  re told and our   songs were sung;
We longed for nothi  ng and were s  atisfied     
Talking and jok  ing about th  e world outs  ide.      
With haunt  ed hearts throu  gh the heat and cold
We never tho  ught we could g  et very old
We thought we could   sit forever   in fun       
Though our chances re  ally were a   million to o  ne.       
As easy it   was to tell bl  ack from white
It was all t  hat easy to tel  l wrong from right;
Our choices were fe  w and the tho  ught never hit  
That the one road we traveled would eve  r shatter an  d split.         
Ah many a   year has passed   and gone
And many a g  amble has been   lost and won;
And many a road tak  en by many a   friend      
And each one of t  hem I've nev  er seen agai  n.        
I wish I   wish I wish in   vain
That we coul  d sit simply in   that room once again;
Ten thousand dollar  s at the drop   of a hat   
I'd give it all g  ladly if our   lives could   be like th  at.
While ridi  ng on a train g  oing west
I fell aslee  p for to take m  y rest.
I dreamed a dream t  hat made me s  ad    
Concerning myself and the   first few f  riends I had        


n507, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-10-30
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