Artistes :

Titres :


Tonalité :
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
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I was r  iding o  n th  e Ma  yflower
When I t  hought I spied some land ...
Intro :
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I was r  iding on the Mayflower
When I t  hought I spied some land
I y  elled for Captain Arab
I h  ave yuh understand
Who came r  unning to the deck
Said "B  oys forget the whale
Look o  n over yonder
Cut the e  ngines change the sail
H  aul on the bowline"
We s  ang that melody
Like a  ll tough sailors do
When they are f  ar away at sea     
"I t  hink I'll call it America"
I s  aid as we hit land
I t  ook a deep breath
I fell d  own I could not stand
C  aptain Arab he started
W  riting up some deeds
He s  aid "Let's set up a fort
And start b  uying the place with beads"
J  ust then this cop comes down the street
C  razy as a loon
He t  hrows us all in jail
For c  arryin' harpoons    
Ah m  e I busted out
Don't e  ven ask me how
I w  ent to get some help
I walked b  y a Guernsey cow
Who dir  ected me down
To the B  owery slums
Where p  eople carried signs around
S  aying "Ban the bums"
I   jumped right into line
Sayin' "I h  ope that I'm not late"
When I r  ealized I hadn't eaten
For fi  ve days straight     
I w  ent into a restaurant
L  ookin' for the cook
I t  old them I was the editor
Of a f  amous etiquette book
The w  aitress he was handsome
He wore a p  owder blue cape
I o  rdered some suzette I said
"Could you p  lease make that crepe"
J  ust then the whole kitchen exploded
From boilin' f  at
F  ood was flying everywhere
And I l  eft without my hat    
Now I   didn't mean to be nosy
But I w  ent into a bank
To g  et some bail for Arab
And all the b  oys back in the tank
They a  sked me for some collateral
And I   pulled down my pants
They t  hrew me in the alley
When up c  omes this girl from France
Who inv  ited me to her house
I w  ent but she had a friend
Who k  nocked me out and robbed my boots
And I was o  n the street again      
Well I r  apped upon a house
With the U  .S. flag upon display
I s  aid "Could you help me out
I got some f  riends down the way"
The m  an says "Get out of here
I'll t  ear you limb from limb"
I said "You k  now they refused Jesus too"
He s  aid "You're not Him
G  et out of here before I break your bones
I ain't your p  op"
I dec  ided to have him arrested
And I went l  ooking for a cop
I r  an right outside
And I h  opped inside a cab
I w  ent out the other door
This E  nglishman said "Fab"
As he s  aw me leap a hot dog stand
And a c  hariot that stood
P  arked across from a building
Advert  ising brotherhood
I r  an right through the front door
Like a h  obo sailor does
But it was j  ust a funeral parlor
And the man a  sked me who I was     
I rep  eated that my friends
Were all in j  ail with a sigh
He g  ave me his card
He said "C  all me if they die"
I s  hook his hand and said goodbye
Ran o  ut to the street
When a b  owling ball came down the road
And k  nocked me off my feet
A p  ay phone was ringing
It j  ust about blew my mind
When I p  icked it up and said hello
This f  oot came through the line      
Well b  y this time I was fed up
At t  ryin' to make a stab
At b  ringin' back any help
For my f  riends and Captain Arab
I dec  ided to flip a coin
Like e  ither heads or tails
Would l  et me know if I should go
Back to s  hip or back to jail
So I   hocked my sailor suit
And I g  ot a coin to flip
It c  ame up tails it rhymed with sails
So I made it b  ack to the ship    
Well I   got back and took
The parkin' t  icket off the mast
I was r  ipping it to shreds
When this c  oastguard boat went past
They a  sked me my name
And I   said "Captain Kidd"
They b  elieved me but
They w  anted to know
What ex  actly that I did
I s  aid for the Pope of Er  uke I was employed
They l  et me go right away
They were v  ery paranoid
Well the l  ast I heard of Arab
He was s  tuck on a whale
That was   married to the deputy
S  heriff of the jail
But the f  unniest thing was
When I   was leavin' the bay
I s  aw three ships a-sailin'
They were a  ll heading my way
I a  sked the captain what his name was
And how come he d  idn't drive a truck
He said his n  ame was Columbus
I   just said "Good luck"


JJQ49, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-11-30
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