Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Harper Ben C
Tonalité :
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
Y  es in  deed I'm a  lone a  gain
a  nd here comes   emptiness   crashing i  n
i  t's either lo  ve or hate
I can't   find in   between
c  ause I've b  een with witches
and I have   been with a   queen
It   wouldn't ha  ve worked out any wa  y
so now it's just an  other lonely d  ay     
f  urther along   we just m  ay
but for now it's just a  nother lon  ely day  
W  ish there was s  omething
I   could say or d  o
I   can resist   anything
but   temptation from y  ou
b  ut I'd rather w  alk alone
t  hen chase you a  round
I  'd rather fall mysel  f
then let you   drag me dow  n
It   wouldn't ha  ve worked out any wa  y
so now it's just an  other lonely d  ay     
f  urther along   we just m  ay
but for now it's just a  nother lon  ely day  
Y  ester  day seems like a   life a  go
c  ause the o  ne I love
toda  y I hardly k  now
y  ou I he  ld so close in my h  eart o  h dear
g  row further from   me
with every f  allen   tear
I  t wouldn't h  ave worked out any w  ay
so now it's just an  other lonely d  ay     
f  urther along   we just m  ay
but for now it's just a  nother lon  ely day  


Vale_Ray, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-10
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