Artistes :

Titres :


Paroles et musique :Gallagher Bernard Joseph, Lyle Graham Hamilton
Tonalité :
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :
I   watch the d  istant lights o  n the r  unway
D  isapp  ear into the e  vening s  ky
O  h you k  now I'm with you o  n your j  ourney
N  ever c  ould say g  oodbye
I  t's not the sun you're trying to find
S  omething else is on your m  ind    
Y  ou need a little space and t  ime
To b  reak away  
I  t's not the place you're going to
I  t's just a phase you're going t  hrough   
T  hough I won't stop you I don't w  ant you to
Break aw  ay        
F  ly acr  oss your ocea  n
Break aw  ay        
T  ime ha  s come for yo  u
Break aw  ay        
F  ly acr  oss your ocea  n
Break aw  ay        
T  ime ha  s come
F  or you to aw  aken in another   countr  y
G  reet the mor  ning under fore  ign ski  es
L  eaving m  e to face another   Monday   
I  t's not e  asy to get b  y
I  t's not the sun you're trying to find
S  omething else is on your m  ind    
Y  ou need a little space and t  ime
To b  reak away  
I  t's not the place you're going to
I  t's just a phase you're going t  hrough   
T  hough I won't stop you I don't w  ant you to
Break aw  ay        
F  ly acr  oss your ocea  n
Break aw  ay (breakin  ' away break away)
T  ime ha  s come for yo  u
Break aw  ay (breakin  ' away break away)
F  ly acr  oss your ocea  n
Break aw  ay (breakin  ' away break away)
T  ime ha  s come for yo  u
Break aw  ay        
F  ly acr  oss your ocea  n
Break aw  ay (breakin  ' away break away)
T  ime ha  s come for yo  u


Kyrstenaoda, version 1.0


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Version : 1.0
Dernière modification : 2022-09-17
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