

Letras y música:Paul James McCartney, John Winston Lennon
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
Intro :  
H  ey Jude don't make it bad  
Take a sad song and make it bet  ter
R  emember to let her into your hear  t
Then you can sta  rt to make it b  etter
Hey Jude don't be afraid  
You were made made to go out   and get her
The m  inute you let her under your s  kin
T  hen you'll b  egin   to make it   better
And any time you feel the p  ain
Hey J  ude refra  in
Don't c  arry the wor  ld up  on your should  er                 
F  or you know that it's a fo  ol
Who pla  ys it cool  
By m  aking the   world   a little bit colde  r                  
H  ey J  ude don't let me down  
You have found her now go out and g  et her
But remem  ber to l  et her in your hea  rt    
T  hen you can sta  rt to make it b  etter
So let it out and let it i  n
Hey J  ude begi  n
You're wai  ting for some  one to   perform w  ith                       
And d  on't you know that i  t's just you
Hey J  ude you'll d  o
The mo  vement you ne  ed is on your s  hould  er                 
Hey J  ude d  on't make i  t bad   
Take a sad song and make it b  etter
Just remem  ber to let her under your s  kin
T  hen you'll begi  n to make it   better
W  hooooaa whoooaaaa hey jude we make it better hey jude ...


JJQ49, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-11
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