


Letras y música:Collins Todd V, Grant Ellis Harrison, John Zappin
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
1  6th   of J  une   nine   0 f  ive d  oor b  ell r  ings
Man at the door says if I want to stay alive a bit longer
There's a few things I need you to know. Three
Coming from a long line of travelling sales people on my mother's side
I wasn't gonna buy just anyone's cockatoo
So why would I invite a complete stranger into my home
Would you'
These days are better than that
These days are better than that
E  very ..  . day I   die again and again I'm reborn
E  very ..  . day I   have to find the courage
To w  alk o  ut i  nto the stre  et
With a  rms o  ut got a lo  ve you can't defe  at
Neither d  own or o  ut/There's no  thing you ha  ve that I ne  eeee  eed.  ..         
I can bre  athe                
Bre  athe   now                                        
16t  h of   Jun  e Ch  ines  e st  ocks   are g  oing   up
And I'm coming down with some new Asian virus
Ju Ju man Ju Ju man
Doc says you're fine or dying
Nine 0 nine St John Divine on the line my pulse is fine
But I'm running down the road like loose electricity
While the band in my head plays a striptease
T  he ro  ar that li  es on the other side of silence
T  he fo  rest fi  re that is fear so deny it
W  alk o  ut i  nto the stre  et
Sing your h  eart o  ut/The pe  ople we me  et
Will not b  e dro  wned out/There's no  thing you ha  ve that I ne  eeee  eed.  ..         
I can bre  athe                
Bre  athe   now                                        
Yeah yeah
W  e are pe  ople borne of so  und/The songs are in our eyes
G  onna we  ar them like a cro  wn
W  alk o  ut i  nto the su  nburst street
S  ing your he  art out   sing my   heart out
I've found grace inside a sound/I found grace it's all that I found
And I can bre  athe                
Bre  athe   now                                        


philou2585, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-16
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