

Letras y música:Tracy Chapman
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
S  o yo  u ma  ke a litle money
off of s  ombody elses sweat
so some p  eople starve a little
while    you got fat
while you got f  at           
S  o you   grin  d and g  rind
and you p  ush and shove
and c  laim that those most worthy
will g  et what they diserve
what they dise  rve...          
  It ca  n't be   tru  e
It c  an't b  e tr  ue
Bec  ause I  've s  een too many hungry f  aces
I've s  een too many with the l  ikes of you
it can't be t  rue                                   
  For y  ou e  very  thing has its price
you give n  othing away for free
if s  ilence were truly golden
I g  uess no one could sleep
no one could s  leep          
  You h  ave   mone  y at your fingertips
people at your b  eck and call
and you're f  ool enough to think for a price
  You can have the whole wide w  orld          
  For a  ll o  ur s  akes
and a  ll o  ur l  ives
W  e mu  st ho  pe the words that
c  ome from your lips
we must h  ope those words are l  ies
for a  ll o  ur s  akes
and a  ll o  ur l  ives
w  e mu  st ho  pe the dreams
soulless v  isiones that you have
  are never real  ized
  So you've got a big house
you d  rive a fancy car
So w  hat if your pockets are full
if y  ou have an empty heart
  You snap your fingers
and a  ll the waters part
So w  hat if the people bow down
if they s  how you no regard
  Your left hand
a  lways watshes your right
So w  hat if you trust in God
if y  ou can't sleep at night
  You think you've made it
You think you've g  ot what everyone wants
So w  hat if you're a big fat man
  with an empty little heart
W  ho h  as    made a litle money
off of s  omebody else's sweat
  Who watched the people starve
w  hile you got fat
w  hile you   got f  at   
  you got f  at          
  you go  t fat!!!  


[anonyme], versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2023-07-19
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