


Letras y música:Tracy Chapman
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
There wa  s a little boy
o  nce upon a time who in
s  pite of his young age and small si  ze knew his mind. For
e  very copper penny and
c  lover he would find make a
w  ish for better days the e  nd of hard times for no more...
c  old feet. Co  ld cold cold cold cold f  eet...   
His cl  othes were alway clean
h  is face was always scrubbed there was
f  ood on the table enough to f  ill him up. His
h  ouse was full of life his
h  ouse was full of love but when
w  interdays arrived there was n  ever money enough to shod this
c  old feet co  ld cold cold cold fe  et...   
d  etermined to succeed he made a
l  ife for himself free from
w  orldly wants or needs. But with no-
b  ody to share the life he'd made no-
b  ody to keep him warm
a  t night when he'd go to sleep he'd   sleep alone with his...
c  old feet co  ld cold cold cold fee  t...  
One ni  ght he walked the street looking
t  o the heaven above searching
f  or a shooting st  ar a benevolved god. When a
w  oman passing by brushed his
a  rm he turned and found love. He then
w  ished for the courage to ask this str  anger who she was to not have...
c  old feet c  old cold cold cold fe  et...   
One year l  ater he stood beside her. He vowed I'll give you
e  verything you want. She said "I'll
t  ake some love from my heart to ke  ep your body warm you won't have...
c  old feet co  ld cold cold cold f  eet"...  
He t  hought she'd like the party life and
w  ant the finer things so he
p  romised more than he could by He'd
p  romised her the sun and the moon to not have...
c  old feet c  old cold cold cold fe  et...   
He wo  rked day and night his
f  ingers to the bone.
H  is worried mind guilty conscience drive him on. He can
g  ive her what she needs. He wants to
g  ive her what he thinks she wants. Her
s  ad eyed face his empty p  ockets drive him on_  __________   and his...
c  old feet c  old cold cold cold f  eet...  
He'd s  truggled all his life to
b  e an honest man proud that the
d  irt on his palms was the so  il of the land but some
g  uys he knew from high school days
s  aid they had a plan to get
r  ich real quick and they could cou  nt him in if he don't have...
c  old feet co  ld cold cold cold fe  et...   
He th  ought about their offer
a  ccepted it without qualms.
D  reamt about the life he'd buy the c  omfort that would come without...
c  old feet co  ld cold cold cold f  eet...    
He deci  ded to drive the car he de-
c  ided to carry the gun to take the
b  iggest risk of all to prove his lo  yalty to his friends. He de-
c  ided to tell his wife
t  hings would soon turn around. He said"The
l  ittle boy is dead a m  an stands with you now without...
c  old feet co  ld cold cold cold fee  t...    
Without ...  c  old feet c  old cold cold cold fe  et..."    
He th  ought he'd set his clock right. He
t  hought he'd read his wath. He
l  eft in such a hurry he didn't t  hink to wish for luck. Makes no
d  ifference if you're early no
d  ifference if you're late
w  hen you're out of time. The f  lowers have been laid. You're s  ix feet underground with
c  old feet col  d cold cold cold fee  t...
That's all. The rythm and the malody for each single verse varies...


[anonyme], versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2023-08-21
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