


Letras y música:Waits Thomas Alan
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
W  e sail tonight for Singapore we're all as mad as hatters here
I've fallen for a tawny moor took off to the Land of Nod
D  rank with all the Chinamen walked the sewers of Paris
I   danced along a colored wind dangled from a rope of sand
  You must say goodbye   to me
W  e sail tonight for Singapore don't fall asleep while you're ashore
Cross your heart and hope to die when you hear the children cry
L  et marrowbone and cleaver choose while making feet for children's shoes
T  hrough the alley back from hell when you hear that steeple bell
  You must say goodbye   to me
  Wipe him down with g  asoline   till his arms   are hard and mean
  From now on boys thi  s iron boat's   your home            So h  eave away boys
W  e sail tonight for Singapore take your blankets from the floor
Wash your mouth out by the door the whole town's made of iron ore
E  very witness turns to steam they all become Italian dreams
F  ill your pockets up with earth get yourself a dollar's worth
  Away boys away boys   heave away
  The captain is   a one-armed d  warf he's throwing d  ice along the wharf
  In the land of the b  lind the one-e  yed man is King      So t  ake this ring
W  e sail tonight for Singapore we're all as mad as hatters here
I've fallen for a tawny moor took off to the Land of Nod
D  rank with all the Chinamen walked the sewers of Paris
I   danced along a colored wind dangled from a rope of sand
  You must say goodbye   to me


DJAMESHIE, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-12-07
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