


Letras y música:Thomas Alan Waits
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
Intro :            
when trav  eling abroad   in the continent  al style      
it's my belief   one must attempt to b  e discreet                                
and subse  quently bear in m  ind your transient posi  tion      
allows   you a perspective   that's unique          
and though you'll find y  our itinerary  's a blessing   and a curse        
your wand  erlust won't let you   settle down               
and you'll wonder   how you ever fatho  med that you'd be content         
to stay within   the city limits of a small mi  dwestern town
most vagabonds   i knowed   don't ever want to fin  d the culprit      
that remains   the object of their l  ong relentless qu  est        
the obsess  ion's in the chasi  ng and not the   apprehending    
the pursuit   you see and never the   arrest                                    
without fear   of contradiction "bon voyage" is alw  ays hollered       
in conjunc  tion with a handke  rchief from shore               
b  y a girl that drives a rambler and furthermore  
is o  verly concerne  d that she won't see him anymore   
planes and trains and boats   and buses         
characterist  ically   evok  e a common attitude o  f blue                    
un  less you hav  e a suit  case an  d a ticket and a passport
and the cargo   that they're carrying i  s you                                
a foreign affair   jux  tapose  d with a statesid  e
and domesti  cally approved romantic fancy            
is myste  riously att  ractive due to cir  cumstances knowing  
it will on  ly be parlayed   into a memor  y             


Joule33, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-19
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