

  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
A  ll that you suffer is all that you are
A  ll that you smother is all that you are
A  nd you're saying you're seeing you're saying who
Y  ou are
What takes m  eaning is c  leaning the m  eaning of who you
A  re
O  n this s  eam         
I   will d  ream         
O  n this s  eam          
A  ll of your struggles beneath your disguise
D  rink from the reasons that hold you alive
'T  il we're safe from the wounds of desire and pain
All that y  ou suf  fer is all that you are
A  ll that you smother is all that you are
A  nd you're saying you're seeing you're saying who
Y  ou are
What takes m  eaning is c  leaning the m  eaning of who you
A  re
O  n this s  eam         
I   will d  ream         
O  n this s  eam          
A  ll of your struggles beneath your disguise
D  rink from the reasons that hold you alive
'T  il we're safe from the wounds of desire and pain
You must r  ise from the m  ounds of d  esire and c  hange
T  oo late to d  iscover p  eace of m  ind
T  oo late to r  ecover m  e
A  ll you see and all you breathe and    all   you cease to
T  aken down your only son and    what   he means to me
Your d  ream will b  e
To d  ream with m  e
W  ill you wait? Yes I will I will wait for you        
W  ill you wait? Yes I will I will wait for you
T  o cl  eanse your li  fe ta  kes mo  re than ti  me
T  ake w  hat you w  ant
T  ake a  ll of i  t          
T  oo late to d  iscover p  eace of m  ind (have no peace of Mind)
To late to recover                             
You must rise from the mounds of desire and change
T  oo late to d  iscover p  eace of m  ind
T  oo late to r  ecover m  e
A  ll you see and all you breathe and    all   you cease to
T  aken down your only son and    what   he means to me
Your d  ream will b  e
To d  ream with m  e
W  ill you wait? Yes I will I will wait for you        
W  ill you wait? Yes I will I will wait for you
T  o cl  eanse your li  fe ta  kes mo  re than ti  me
T  ake w  hat you w  ant
T  ake a  ll of i  t          
T  oo late to d  iscover p  eace of m  ind (have no peace of Mind)
T  o late to r  ecover


luccote, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-25
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