


Letras y música:Wesley Keith Schultz, Jeremy Caleb Fraites
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
She'll   lie and steal and c  heat, and b  eg you from her k  nees
And m  ake you thinks she m  eans i  t this ti  me
She'll t  ear a hole in   you, the   one you can't re  pair
But   I still love her,   I don't r  eally c  are
  When we were   young, O  h Oh, w  e did enough
  When it got c  old, Ooh   Ooh, w  e bundled up
  I cant be t  old, A  h Ah I  t cant be d  one
It's   better to feel p  ain, than   nothing at al  l
The o  pposite of l  ove's ind  ifferen  ce
  Pay attention   now, I'm s  tanding on your   porch sc  reaming out
And   I wont leave un  til you c  ome downst  airs
So keep your   head   up, ke  ep your l  ove
keep your h  ead u  p, m  y lo  ve
keep your h  ead u  p, m  y lo  ve
Keep your h  ead u  p, k  eep your l  ove
I don't b  lame ya dear for r  unning like y  ou did, all these y  ears
  I would do the s  ame, your   best beli  eve
The highw  ay signs say we're c  lose, but   I don't read those   things anym  ore
I n  ever trusted   my ow  n ey  es
  When we were   young, O  h Oh, w  e did enough
  When it got c  old, Ooh   Ooh, w  e bundled up
  I cant be t  old, A  h Ah I  t cant be d  one
So keep your   head   up, ke  ep your l  ove
keep your h  ead u  p, m  y lo  ve
keep your h  ead u  p, m  y lo  ve
Keep your h  ead u  p, k  eep your l  ove


benkalele, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2019-06-25
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