

Letras y música:The Interrupters, Tim Armstrong
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
|   |     |     |   |
  Drones in the sky
  Government lies
  Keeping an eye out
Tell me why they   violate rights
  Blue and red lights
  Billyclub fights on my street at night
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  Now they're taking over and they   got complete con  trol
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  Poverty's high
  Barely get by
Th  ey want you to suffer before you die
There's   no movin' up
Too   many mouths to feed
  Take all they want from the ones who need
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  Now they're taking over and they   got complete con  trol
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  Better quiet down
  Don't speak your mind
  Nod your head like everything's fine
  Don't verbalize it
  Cause if they hear you
  They'll hunt you down and disappear you
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  They took it away, they   got complete con  trol
  Where did my   liberty   go?
|   |   |   |   | (x2)
  Drones in the sky
  Government lies
  Keeping an eye out
Tell me why they   violate rights
  Blue and red lights
  Billyclub fights on my street at night
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  Where did my   liberty   go?
  Now they're taking over and they   got complete con  trol
  Where did my   liberty   go?


Dggjcvgnspg, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2020-02-26
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