

Letras y música:Cooper Jason Toop, Odonnell Roger, Bamonte Perry, Gallup Simon Johnathon, ) Smith Robert James (Gb
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
Y  eah this is how it ends
A  fter all these years
T  ired of it all
H  opelessly helplessly broken ap  art
H  e finally falls
H  e doesn't want to think
Doesn't want to   feel
D  oesn't want to kno  w what's goi  ng on
S  ays there's nothing he can d  o will change any  thing
H  e doesn't want to kno  w what's going wr  ong
B  ecause he's in lo  ve with a drug
O  ne that makes him numb
O  ne that stops him feeling at a  ll
He's in lo  ve with a drug
Forget every  one
He really doe  sn't care any  more
Any  more..  .
Y  eah this is how it ends
A  fter all this time
E  verything just fades away
W  orn-out and empty and all alone
W  ith nothing left to s  ay
Oh it's all too   big to make a dif  ference
It's all too wr  ong to make it ri  ght
Y  eah everything is too unf  air
E  verything too much to be  ar
H  e doesn't have the stre  ngth left for the fi  ght
S  ays all he wa  nts is the drug
The one that ma  kes him numb
The one that st  ops him feeling at a  ll
He just wa  nts to take the drug
F  orget everyone
He do  esn't want to care anym  ore
Just keeps lo  ving the drug
T  he one that makes him n  umb
T  he one that stops him feeling at a  ll
J  ust keeps loving the drug
The drug that he's   become
H  e isn't really here anymore...
A  nd that makes me cry


mystie2, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-09-06
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