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There's a   young man in   the corner, pl  aying craz  y all night long.
  Quarters   piled h  igh upon the table.
And   he orders W  ild Turkey   with a quick wi  t and a smile.
He   says "my darling,   you're the   one I'll drape in sable."
But   his baseball   cap, and his   barroom rap te  ll me a different story
That   this is not   my prince   to grant all my wishes
Just   another lonel  y country bo  y, grown w  eary of the night.
Just   another boy, w  ith a sink fu  ll of dirty dishes.
  And where are you   tonight ?
  When I left you in m  y dreams last night,
You   promised me that w  e would be   breaking free.
  Where a  re you   tonight ?
And   he tells   me of the bac  kroads, and   I will ride them all night long.
  And the days o  f fate and   the moon will hang forever.
And a   cloud of du  st will ki  ck up and ling  er like a sun.
And   the myth will g  row about t  he two who refused to surrender.
But a  s I catch u  s in the barroom mirror
with his   arm aroun  d my shoulder,
  This girl I see has   grown so   unfamiliar.
And   as she stands   to leave wi  th a str  anger by her side,
She   can't help but   laugh at a life   turned so peculiar,
  And where are you   tonight ?
  I don't think I ca  n face tomorrow's light,
Not   knowing if y  ou'll be ther  e to guide me.
  And where are you   tonight ?
  I think I ca  n make it through all right,
But I'd   love to have   you just one   more time beside me.


[anonyme], versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2007-05-17
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