


Capo III
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
Intro :           
I  'd__sa  y__som  e__day  
I  'm bound to g  ive__  my heart  __away w  hen I do
E |   t's |   for yo  u--lov  e, true--love
S  eems to be a  ll__I  'm thinki  ng of but   it's true
It's for y  ou
T  hey said that l  ove was a lie
T  old me that I
N  ever should try to f  ind
S  omebody who'd b  e kind
K  ind to only m  e
S  o__I j  ust tel  l them they're right
W  ho wants a fight
T  ell them I quite agr  ee
N  obody'd lov  e me
T  hen I look at you
And l  ove__c  omes l  ove__s  hows
I   give my h  eart__a  nd no o  ne knows t  hat I do
It's for y  ou     
It's for y  ou
T  hey said that l  ove was a lie
T  old me that I
N  ever should try to f  ind
S  omebody who'd b  e kind
K  ind to only m  e
S  o__I j  ust tel  l them they're right
W  ho wants a fight
T  ell them I quite agr  ee
N  obody'd lov  e me
T  hen I look at you
And l  ove__c  omes l  ove__s  hows
I   give my h  eart__a  nd no o  ne knows t  hat I do
It's for y  ou     
It's for y  ou     
It's for y  ou     


philou2585, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-28
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