

Letras y música:Swift Taylor A, Jack Antonoff
Capo III
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
S  alt air and the rus  t on your do  or
I never needed anything mor  e
W  hispers o  f "Are you'sur  e?"
Never'have I ever'befo  re
But I   can see us lost'in the memory
Aug  ust slipped away into a moment in ti  me
'Cause it was never min  e
And I   can see us twistin' in bedsheets
Aug  ust slipped away like a bottle of wi  ne
'Cause you were never min  e
You  're back ben  eath the s  un
Wishin' I could write   my name on it
Wil  l you call whe  n you're back at s  chool?
I rememb  er thinkin' I had you
But I   can see us lost'in the memory
Aug  ust slipped away into a moment in ti  me
'Cause it was never min  e
And I   can see us twistin' in bedsheets
Aug  ust slipped away like a bottle of wi  ne
'Cause you were never min  e
Bac  k when we were still changin' for the bett  er
Wanting was enoug  h
For me it was en  ough
To live for the ho  pe of it all
Canceled plans just in cas  e you'd call
And say "Mee  t me behind the mall"
So much for summer lo  ve and saying "Us"
'Cause you weren't mi  ne to los  e
You weren  't mine to lose oh  
But I   can see us lost'in the memory
Aug  ust slipped away into a moment in ti  me
'Cause it was never min  e
And I   can see us twistin' in bedsheets
Aug  ust slipped away like a bottle of wi  ne
'Cause you were never min  e
'Ca  use you were never mi  ne
Never mi  ne
But do you remem  ber
Remem  ber when I pulled up and said "Get in the car"
And then canc  eled my plans just in case you'd call
Ba  ck when I was livin' for the hope of it all for the hope   of it all
"Meet me behind the ma  ll"
Reme  mber when I pulled up and said "Get in the car"
And then cance  led my plans just in case you'd call
Bac  k when I was livin' for the hope of it all for the hop  e of it all
"Meet me behind the mal  l"
Remem  ber when I pulled up and said "Get in the car"
And then cance  led my plans just in case you'd call
Bac  k when I was livin' for the hop  e of it all (For the hope of it all)
For the ho  pe of it all for the hop  e of it all
(For the hop  e of it all for the hope   of it all)


Teha, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-18
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