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 (silence)   He was the   cap__-tain   of the   Nightin  gale_
Twenty-one   days__    from   Clyde in   coal_
  He_ could   smell_ the   flow_-e-ers_   of Ber  muda in the   gale_
O_ when he  _ died  _ on th  e North  _ Rock_ shoa  l_    
Just five short   hou__-rs   from Ber  mu_-u_-  da_
In_ a   fine__ Oc  tober   gale  _
There came a   cry_ "Oh_   there_ be breakers dead a  head_
From the   col_-lier_   Nigh_-tin  gale_  
No sooner   had__ the   cap_-tain   brought her   round_
Came_ a   ren__-ding_   crash be  low_  
Hard on her   beam_ ends_   groaning_ went the Nightin  gale_
And over  side her   main  mast goes  _
"O captain   are__ we   all for   drow_-o_-  ning"_
Came_ a   cry__ from   all_ the   crew_  
"The boats be   smashed!  How   are_ we all then to be   saved?_
They are   stove_ in_   through and   through_  
O are ye   brave__ and   hardy   collier   men_
Or are you   blind__ and   cannot   see_  
The cap_-tain's_   gig_ still   lies_ before ye whole and   sound_
And it shall   car_-ry_   all_ of   we_ (here we go!)
 (silence)   He was the   cap__-tain   of the   Nightin  gale_
Twenty-one   days__    from   Clyde in   coal_
  He_ could   smell_ the   flow_-e-ers_   of Ber  muda in the   gale_
O_ when he  _ died  _ on th  e North  _ Rock_ shoa  l_    
But when the   crew_ were   all as  semble-  bled_
And the   gig_ pre  pared for   sea_  
'Twas seen there   were_ but_   eighteen places to be   manned_
And   nineteen   mor_-tal   souls were we  _
But   cries the cap  tain_  "  now do   not de  lay_
Nor do you   spare__ a   thought for   me_   
My duty   is_  to_   save you all now if   I can_
see ye re  turn_   quick as can   be_
 (silence)   He was the   cap__-tain   of the   Nightin  gale_
Twenty-one   days__    from   Clyde in   coal_
  He_ could   smell_ the   flow_-e-ers_   of Ber  muda in the   gale_
O_ when he  _ died  _ on th  e North  _ Rock_ shoa  l_    
Oh_ there be   flo__-wers   in Ber  mu_-u_-  da_
Beauty   lies_ on   every   hand  _
And there be   laugh_-ter   ease and drink there for every   man_
But there   is_ no_   joy_ for   me_   
For when we   reached_ the   wretched   Nightin  gale_
What_ an   aw__-ful   sight was   plain  _
O the captain_   drowned_ was   tangled in the mizzen   chains_
Smiling   bra_-vely be  neath the   sea_
 (silence)   He was the   cap__-tain   of the   Nighti  ngale_
Twenty-one   days__    from   Clyde in   coal_
  He_ could   smell_ the   flow_-e-ers_   of Be  rmuda in the   gale_
O_ when he  _ died  _ on th  e North  _ Rock_ shoa  l_    
 (silence)   He was the   cap__-tain   of the   Nightin  gale_
Twenty-one   days__    from   Clyde in   coal_
  He_ could   smell_ the   flow_-e-ers_   of Ber  muda in the   gale_
O_ when he  _ died  _ on th  e North  _ Rock_ shoa  l_    
 (silence)   He was the   cap__-tain   of the   Nightin  gale_
Twenty-one   days__    from   Clyde in   coal_
  He_ could   smell_ the   flow_-e-ers_   of Ber  muda in the   gale_
O_ when he  _ died  _ on th  e North  _ Rock_ shoa  l_    


Bernard Lebeau, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2021-12-21
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