


  • G
  • A♭
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  • G♭
  • G
  Somebody once t  old me the w  orld is gonna r  oll me
I ai  n't the sharpest tool   in the shed          
She was l  ooking kinda du  mb with her fi  nger and her
  Thumb in the s  hape of an "  L" on her fo  rehead     
We  ll the years start coming and they   don't stop coming
  Back to the rules and I h  it the ground running
Di  dn't make sense not to li  ve for fun
Your   brain gets smart but yo  ur head gets dumb
So   much to do so   much to see
So   what's wrong with taking the b  ack streets
You  'll never know if you do  n't go
You  'll never shine if you d  on't glow
  Hey now you're an A  ll Star get   your game on, g  o play
  Hey now you're a Ro  ck Star get   the show on get   paid
  And all that g  litters is g  old
  Only shooting   stars   break the mold    
It'  s a cool place and they s  ay it gets colder
You  're bundled up now   but wait 'til you get older
But   the media men beg to   differ
Judging by the ho  le in the satellite   picture
The ice we sk  ate is getting pretty   thin
The waters getting w  arm so you might as well s  wim
My world's on f  ire how about yo  urs
That's the   way I like it and I never get b  ored
  Hey now you're an A  ll Star get   your game on, g  o play
  Hey now you're a Ro  ck Star get   the show on get   paid
  And all that g  litters is g  old
  Only shooting   stars   break the mold    
  Hey now you're an A  ll Star get   your game on, g  o play
  Hey now you're a Ro  ck Star get   the show on get   paid
  And all that g  litters is g  old
  Only shooting   stars   break the mold    
  Somebody once a  sked, could you s  pare some change f  or gas
  I need to get myself a  way from this p  lace    
  I said yep what a   concept I could u  se a little fuel m  yself
And we c  ould all use   a little ch  ange       
We  ll the years start coming and they   don't stop coming
  Back to the rules and I h  it the ground running
Di  dn't make sense not to li  ve for fun
Your   brain gets smart but yo  ur head gets dumb
So   much to do so   much to see
So   what's wrong with taking the b  ack streets
You  'll never know if you do  n't go
You  'll never shine if you d  on't glow
  Hey now you're an A  ll Star get   your game on, g  o play
  Hey now you're a Ro  ck Star get   the show on get   paid
  And all that g  litters is g  old
  Only shooting   stars   break the mold    


[anonyme], versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2015-11-16
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