


Letras y música:Paul Simon
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
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  Hello darkness, my old f  riend
  I've come to talk with you ag  ain
  Because a vision softly   creepi  ng
Left its seeds while I w  as sleep  ing
And the   vision that was   planted in my   brain
Still r  emains  
Within the   sound of   silence
I N.C.                         n restless dreams I walked a  lone
  Narrow streets of cobbles  tone
  'Neath the halo of a   street la  mp
I turned my collar to the   cold and   damp
When my   eyes were stabbed by the   flash of a neon   light
That split the   night  
  And touched the s  ound of s  ilence
  And in the naked light I s  aw
  Ten thousand people, maybe m  ore
  People talking withou  t speakin  g
People hearing with  out listen  ing
People writing   songs that   voices never s  hare
And no one   dared  
  Disturb the s  ound of s  ilence
  "Fools" said I, "You do not   know
  Silence like a cancer g  rows
  Hear my words that I mig  ht teach yo  u
Take my arms that I m  ight reach   you"
But my   words, like   silent raindrops,   fel  l       
  Echoed in the   wells of   silence
  And the people bowed and p  rayed
  To the neon god they m  ade
  And the sign flashed out i  ts warni  ng
In the words that it w  as form  ing
And the sign said, the   words of the prophets are   written on the subway w  alls
And tenement   halls  
  Whispered in   the sound  N.C.    of sile  nce."  


Otros versións RockSnake, versión 2.0


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Versión: 2.4
Última modificación: 2020-04-28
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