


Letras y música:Gilbert Tom, Thom Sandi
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
S  treet lights ablaze and the a  ir is so dry
There's a c  at in my bucket smoke c  overs the sky
And the s  ound of the traffic keeps m  e from my dreams
Like one   million soldiers just shuffled their feet
The h  eat of the night is one that I   can't escape
So I   listen to the underground r  umble and shake
There's som  ething so beautiful bein  g alive
When your y  oung wild and f  ree
And just trying to survi  ve
So h  old me I believe every word that you to  ld me
And every last line that you s  old me
I'll love you for the rest of my li  fe
Ta  ke me turn me around and you'll m  ake me
Follow the footsteps you g  ave me
In the P  ink and the Lily ton  ight
Fr  eedoms a luxury ta  ken in vain
It's h  ard to find justice and f  ight for a change
Cos there's s  o many people that c  annot be heard
Their t  houghts and their feelings just kicked to the curb
I ma  y not be old and I m  ay not be wise
But I c  all upon those with a ch  ance in this life
Cl  imb to the rooftops and ope  n your eyes
Cos your y  oung wild and f  ree and just trying to surv  ive
So h  old me I believe every word that you to  ld me
And every last line that you s  old me
I'll love you for the rest of my li  fe
T  ake me turn me around and you'll ma  ke me
Follow the footsteps you ga  ve me
In the P  ink and the Lily ton  ight
Follow the footsteps you ga  ve me
In the P  ink and the Lily ton  ight
Follow the footsteps you ga  ve me
In the   Pink and the Lily toni  ght


RockLisa, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-30
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