


Letras y música:Tom Gilbert, Jake Jefferson Field, Thom Sandi
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
I'm jus  t skimming stones against the lake
While my   dreams pass me   by
'Cause I've   nev-er known what to make of life
But I   guess I'm willing to tr  y
S  ometimes it's better and sometimes it'  s worse
And s  ometimes it heals and sometimes it   hurts....
So ha  il to the morn-  ing wher-ev-er it da  wns down on m  e
It's n  ow that I get to thinki  ng
Some c  astles lie w  ay be-n  eath the sea.  
You always said that it would be...   such a long summer  
And   now its here and I can break the earth   on this cold   water
S  ometimes it's better and sometimes it'  s worse
And s  ometimes it heals and sometimes it   hurts....
So h  ail to the morn  -ing wher-ev-er it d  awns down on   me
It's n  ow that I get to thinki  ng
Some c  astles lie w  ay be-n  eath the sea.
So h  ail to the morni  ng wherever it dawns   down on   me
It's n  ow that I get to think  ing that l  ife's a myster  y
So lo  ng live the moonl  ight wherever it dawns   down on   me
With the s  trength to part the oce  an
I'l  l find my cas  tle lies way beneat  h the sea


RockLisa, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-28
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