

Letras:Remi Lamigeon
Música:Remi Lamigeon, Thierry Lopez, Damien Duvallet, Jacques Duris, Caroline Michaud
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
You want to   go out Friday and you want to go forever
you know that it sounds childish that you've dreamt of alligators.
You hope that we are with you and you hope you're recognised
you want to go forever you see it in my eyes.
I'm lo  st in the confusion and it doesn't seem to matter
you re  ally can't believe it and you hope it's getting better.
You wan  t to trust the doctors their procedure is the best
but the last try was a failure and the intern was a mess.
And they did the same to Matthew and he bled 'til Sunday night.
They're saying don't be frightened
but you're weakened by the sight of it.
You lo  ck into a pattern and you know that it's the last ditch.
You're try  ing to see through it and it doesn't make sense.
But they're sa  ying: Don't be frightened! and they're killing alligators
and they're ho  g-tied and accepting of the struggle.
You w  ant to trust religion and you know it's allegory but
the people who are followers have written their own story.
So you lo  ok up to the heavens and you hope that it's a spaceship
and it's so  mething from your childhood
you're thinking don't be frightened.
You wa  nt to climb the ladder you want to see forever
you wa  nt to go out Friday and you want to go forever.
And you wa  nt to cross your dna
to cross your dna with something re  ptile.
And you're qu  estioning the sciences and questioning religion
you're lo  oking like an idiot and you no longer care.
And you wa  nt to bridge the schism
a built-in mechanism to prote  ct you.
And you're lo  oking for salvation and you're looking for deliverance
you're lo  oking like an idiot and you no longer care.
Cause you want to climb the ladder you want to go forever
you want to go out Friday you want to go forever...


Vale_Ray, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-09-16
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