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S  o I t  old   him  
t  hat H  e'd   bett  er
s  hut his m  outh and do his jo  b like a man
And he a  nswered "listen f  ather
I   will ne  ver        
k  ill a  noth  er.  
H  e thinks he's b  etter
than his br  other that died.
What the h  ell does he think he is d  oing
to his f  ather
who brought him up ri  ght?
T  ake your p  lace on the Great Mand  ala
As it m  oves through the brief m  oment of t  ime
Win or l  ose now you must c  hoose now
I  f you lose you're o  nly losing your l  ife
I  f you lose you're o  nly losing your l  ife
I  f you lose you're o  nly losing your l  ife
T  ell t  he j  aile  r
n  ot to   bot  her  
w  ith his m  eal of bread and w  ater today.
He is fast  ing 'til the killing's ov  er.
H  e's a   mar  tyr  
H  e thi  nks h  e's a p  rophet
B  ut he's a   coward he's just   playing a game.
He can't d  o it he can't ch  ange it
It's been go  ing on for ten thousand y  ears
T  ake your p  lace on the Great Mand  ala
As it m  oves through the brief m  oment of t  ime
Win or l  ose now you must c  hoose now
I  f you lose you're o  nly losing your l  ife
I  f you lose you're o  nly losing your l  ife
I  f you lose you're o  nly losing your l  ife
T  ell t  he p  eopl  e
t  hey a  re s  afe   now.
H  unger sto  pped him he lies   still in his cell.
Death has   gagged his accusatio  ns.
W  e are   fre  e no  w
W  e can    ki  ll n  ow
W  e can h  ate now
N  ow we can end the world.
We're not   guilty
He was cr  azy
And it's be  en going on for ten thousand y  ears.
T  ake your p  lace on the Great Mand  ala
As it m  oves through your brief m  oment of t  ime
Win or l  ose now you must c  hoose now
And i  f you lose you've o  nly wasted your l  ife.


enzobar, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-30
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