


Letras y música:Peter Yarrow
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
L  ight one candle for the Maccabee children
W  ith thanks their light didn't d  ie.
L  ight one candle for the pain they endured
W  hen their right to exist was de-n  ied.
L  ight one candle for the terrible sacrifice
J  ustice and freedom d  emand.
L  ight one c  andle for the w  isdom to k  now
when the p  eace-makers t  ime is at h  and.   
D  on't let the l  ight go out.
It's l  asted for so many y  ears.  
D  on't let the li  ght go out.
Let it s  hine through our love and our t  ears  .
D  on't let the l  ight go out.
It's l  asted for so many y  ears.  
D  on't let the li  ght go out.
Let it s  hine through our love and our t  ears  .     ...
L  ight one candle for the strength that we need
T  o never became our own f  oe.
A  nd light one candle for those who are suffering
Pain we learned so long a  go.
L  ight one candle for all we believe in.
L  et anger not tear us apa  rt.
A  nd light one c  andle to b  ind us tog  ether
With p  eace as the s  ong in our h  earts.  
D  on't let the l  ight go out.
It's l  asted for so many y  ears.  
D  on't let the li  ght go out.
Let it s  hine through our love and our t  ears  .
D  on't let the l  ight go out.
It's l  asted for so many y  ears.  
D  on't let the li  ght go out.
Let it s  hine through our love and our t  ears  .     ...
A  nd what is the memory that's valued so highly
That we keep it alive in the f  lame?
W  hat's the commitment for those who have died
We cry out they have not died in v  ain?
W  e have come this far always believing
T  hat judgement will somehow p  revail.
T  his is the b  urden! T  his is the p  romise!
and t  his is why w  e will not f  ail!  
D  on't let the l  ight go out.
It's l  asted for so many y  ears.  
D  on't let the li  ght go out.
Let it s  hine through our love and our t  ears  .
D  on't let the l  ight go out.
It's l  asted for so many y  ears.  
D  on't let the li  ght go out.
Let it s  hine through our love and our t  ears  .
D  on't let the l  ight go out!
D  on't let the l  ight go out!
D  on't let the l  ight go out!


[anonyme], versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2023-06-10
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