


Letras y música:James Thirkhill Fearnley, Andrew David Ranken, Compositeur Auteur Inconnu, Jeremy Max Finer, Stacey Peter
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
When the w  hale gets   strike and the   line runs   out
And the w  hale makes a f  lounder with its t  ail
And the b  oat cap-s  ized and I l  ost my darlin' m  an
N  o more n  o more Green-l  and for y  ou brave b  oys
N  o more n  o more Green-l  and for y  ou
'Twas in e  ighteen h  undred and f  ifty-three on June the t  hirteenth d  ay
That our g  allant s  hip her a  nchor w  eighed
And for G  reenland s  ailed awa  y brave boys
and for G  reenland s  ail-ed   a-w  ay.
The lo  okout o  n the c  ross tree stood with a spyglass i  n his h  and
"Th  ere's a   whale th  ere's   a whale there's a whalefish" he cried
And she b  lows at e  very s  pan brave boys
She b  lows at e  v-er  y sp  an.
Well we s  truck that w  hale and the l  ine played out
But she gave a f  lounder with her t  ail
And the b  oat caps  ized and f  our men were d  rowned
And we n  ever c  aught that w  hale
We n  ever c  aught th  at w  hale
Oh to l  ose that w  hale my c  aptain cried
It grieves my h  eart full s  ore
But to l  ose four o  f my g  allant m  en
It g  rieves me t  en times m  ore brave boys
It g  rieves me t  en ti  mes m  ore
Oh G  reenland is a d  readful p  lace
It's a land that's n  ever g  reen
Where there's i  ce and s  now and the w  hale fishes b  low
And d  aylight's s  eldom s  een brave boys
And d  aylight's s  el-do  m se  en
When the w  hale get s  trike and the l  ine runs o  ut
And the w  hale makes a f  lounder with its t  ail


Guitare1958, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-12-05
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