


Letras y música:Mccartney Paul James
Capo II
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
A  ll through the s  ummer I have f  ollowed you arou  nd
b  ringing a r  ose for the w  inter that's c  oming
now the   snow is on the gro  und   
W  inter r  ose Win  ter r  ose
S  hine your l  ight i  n the a  ir
W  inter r  ose Win  ter r  ose
S  hine your l  ight everyw  here
"Love Awake"
A  ll through the s  ummer I have f  ollowed you arou  nd
b  ringing a r  ose for the w  inter that's c  oming
now the   snow is on the gro  und   
  Love aw  ake toll the be  ll
Tell the wo  rld how glad y  ou are_    _
  Love aw  ake to the d  ay
when we can m  ake o  ur love aw  ake
  Lord knows w  e need it a  ny time we can get it             
b  ut we forget it e  very now and then   
  but if y  ou don't f  eel it l  ater on you'll regret it             
  and if we let it   we could set it fre  e you and me
A  ll through the s  ummer I have f  ollowed you arou  nd
b  ringing a r  ose for the w  inter that's c  oming
now the   snow is on the gro  und   
  Love aw  ake toll the be  ll
Tell the wo  rld how glad y  ou are_    _
  Love aw  ake to the d  ay
when we can m  ake o  ur    _love  _a  _w  ake
  Snow falls in the wi  nter
  Spring b  rings   the rai  n         
  but it's never to lo  ng before the su    mmer co  mes aga  in_      _
It a  lways c  omes aga  in    _Love awa  ke


DJAMESHIE, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-17
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