


Letras y música:Nico Santos, James Harvey Gibson David, Richard Ormandy Neil, Jonny Coffer, Cobbe Hume Jon
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
T  ake a sip and pass it on  
Fill it up until it's g  one
Send it 'round another one  
Let's sing another son  g
About the time when we were young  
And all the crazy shit we done   
Living like the special ones   
In the sun we're
N  ever gonna call no we're never gonna write
I   don't even care because we always got tonight
Toge  ther
let's stay toge  ther
Say you wi  ll remember me
When you go   take a piece
Of melody   to help you keep the memory   
Never let it go  
So when the song begins to pl  ay
I hope it takes you close to m  e
And for a moment we will be  
Unforgettable  (ouh ooh ooh)
'b  le (ouh ooh ooh) 'b  le (ouh ooh ooh)
    Unforgettabl  e
T  hough years and years have passed awa  y
A million words I should have sa  id
Famaliar notes begin ag  ain
That bring me back to y  ou
So put our song on repeat  
Close your eyes and fall asleep  
And I will meet you in a dream   
Lay with me we're
N  ever gonna call no we're never gonna write
I   don't even care because we always got tonight
Toge  ther
let's stay toge  ther
Say you wi  ll remember me
When you go   take a piece
Of melody   to help you keep the memory   
Never let it go  
So when the song begins to pl  ay
I hope it takes you close to m  e
And for a moment we will be  
Unforgettable  (ouh ooh ooh)
'b  le (ouh ooh ooh) 'b  le (ouh ooh ooh)
    Unforgettable  (ouh ooh ooh)
'b  le (ouh ooh ooh) 'b  le (ouh ooh ooh)
    Unforgettabl  e
W  e were never meant to be together in the e  nd   
Woah-  oh woah-  oh
W  hen I hear the music yeah it takes me back a  gain  
Woah-  oh woah-o  h
Say you wi  ll remember me
When you go   take a piece
Of melody   to help you keep the memory   
Never let it go  
So when the song begins to pl  ay
I hope it takes you close to m  e
And for a moment we will be  
Unforgettable  (ouh ooh ooh)
'b  le (ouh ooh ooh) 'b  le (ouh ooh ooh)
    Unforgettable  (ouh ooh ooh)
'b  le (ouh ooh ooh) 'b  le (ouh ooh ooh)
    Unforgettabl  e


Pierreguitar, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-12-21
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