


Letras y música:Nick Cave
Capo III
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
The  y call me the wil  d ros  e,      But my   name was Eliza   Day
Why they c  all me that I do not k  now,        For my nam  e was Eliz  a Da  y
From the f  irst day I saw her I knew s  he was the one
She st  ared in my eyes and sm  iled
Her l  ips were the colour of the ro  ses
That g  rew down the river,  All blo  ody and wild
When he kn  ocked on my door,  And ent  ered the room
My tre  mbling subsided in h  is sure embrace
He would   be my first man,  And w  ith a careful hand
He w  iped up the tears, That r  an down my face     
They c  all me the wild r  ose,        But my nam  e was Eliza Day  
Why they c  all me that I do not k  now,      For my nam  e was Eliz  a Da  y
On the sec  ond day,    I brought her a flo  wer
She was more bea  utiful,  Than any wo  man I'd seen
I s  aid do you know,  Where the w  ild roses grow
  So sweet and scarlet and fr  ee
On the se  cond day he came,  With a si  ngle red rose
He said,  G  ive me your loss and your so  rrow
I nodd  ed my head,  As I l  ay on the bed
If I s  how you the roses will you   follow    
They c  all me the wild r  ose,        But my nam  e was Eliza Day  
Why they c  all me that I do not k  now,      For my nam  e was Eliz  a Da  y
On the t  hird day he took me to the ri  ver
He s  howed me the roses,  And we ki  ssed
And the l  ast thing I heard,  Was a mut  tered word
As   he knelt above me with a r  ock in his fist
On the   last day I took her,  Where the   wild roses grow
As she   lay on the bank,  The wind li  ght as a thief
And I ki  ssed her goodbye,  Said all be  auty must die
And I l  eant down and planted a r  ose 'tween her te  eth
They c  all me the wild r  ose,      But my nam  e was Eliza Day  
Why they c  all me that I do not k  now,      For my nam  e was Eliz  a Da  y
My   name was El  iza   Day,      For my n  ame was El  iza   Day


grorico, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2020-04-26
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