


Letras y música:Neil Young Neil
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Accords :
Bb/D  : xx0331
C/D   : xx0010
F/D   : xx0211
G/D   : xx0433
G6/B  : x2x030
Gm6/Bb : x1x030
U  p and down the old h  omestead
T  he naked r  ider gall  ops through his head  
And although the moon   isn't full
H  e still f  eels the pull          
O  ut on the floor where the c  owboys dance
A  pproaching s  lowly at   a glance   
Here comes the s  hadow of his stance
T  he reins are f  allin' f  rom his hands  
"  Why do you ride that crazy   horse?"
I  nquires the   shadow wi  th little   remorse
Just then a prie  st comes down the stairs
W  ith a sack of   dreams a  nd old nightma  res
"  Who are you?" the rider say  s
Y  ou dress in   black but   you talk   like a Fed
You spout ideas   from books that you read
D  on't you care   about th  is guy's head?  
J  ust then the sound of hoofb  eats was heard
A  nd the sky w  as darken  ed by a pr  ehistoric bird
Who flew between   the unfulfilled moon
A  nd the naked r  ider to   a telephone bo  oth.
W  e'll call the moon and see   what's up
I  've got some   change i  n this lit  tle tin cup
We'll say that t  he shadow is growin' dim
A  nd we need som  e light   to get back to   him
J  ust one call should d  o it all
I  'll carve this number on the wall  
With my b  eak.
  Flying feathers were a  ll around
  The air was f  illed with a r  ingy sound  
Two more birds the s  econd and the third
  Came down from the s  ky to deliver the word   
  Where have you been" they s  aid to the first
  Get back to the c  louds we're d  ying of thirst  
There's not enough time to m  ake that call
L  et's ditch this r  ider sh  adow and all."  
T  he sky was filled with   the beautiful birds
S  till on the g  round some cry  ing was hea  rd
With his dime in his   hand and his hand on the dial
H  is cars were sweatin  g as he forced a smile   
H  oofbeats beating across the   range
H  e rode through th  e night with   his cup of chan  ge
Tired and beaten he fell int  o slumber
B  ut up in the sky   they st  ill had his num  ber
U  p and down the old h  omestead
T  he naked r  ider gall  ops through his head  
And although the moon   isn't full
H  e still f  eels the pull  
Still feels the pull  
Still feels the pull  
Still feels the pull  
Still feels the pull           


n507, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-04
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