


Letras y música:Martha Wainwright
Capo III
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Intro :  
And the children's eyes they t  urn
As I w  alk aw  ay           
I am becoming their p  rey    
And the firelight it b  urns
In your e  yes there are t  imes you desp  ise me          
Oh you critic  ize me   
I have l  ost so many f  riends   
I have g  ained so many m  emori  es    
I can change the colours o  f the n  ight
The h  um and the drum t  hey sound the same          
When you're tapping the same v  ein    
And I have noticed latel  y that the t  ime that you t  ook
To look at my face has g  one without a t  race    
Oh you desp  ise me   
I have l  ost so many f  riends   
I have g  ained so many m  emori  es    
I have l  ost so many f  riends   
I have g  ained so many so many e  nemies   
Over the years   things disappear    
But once in aw  hile you call m  y name    
In you you've got the   loving t  ouch
I live and b  reath for the r  ush
Oh when we t  ouch oh there's a r  ush
When we t  ouch  
I have l  ost so many f  riends   
I have g  ained so many m  emori  es    
I have l  ost so many f  riends   
I have g  ained so many so many so many so many e  nemies    


beautifulemilie, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-12-03
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