


Letras y música:Tobias Gad, Francis Kemba
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
Cut ri  ght to the chase and
C  hoose your words to make it cl  ear to me    
Y  ou seem so heaven sent but
Somehow I   still invent the fe  ar in me    
A   lie is just a lie   
A cr  y is still a cry   
The p  ast becomes the crime   in my min  d
Suspic  ion suspicion   
H  ow you've changed my heart  
Suspi  cion suspicion    
Unc  hain my hear  t
C  rippled cruel emotion
Enough to ma  ke an ocean turn to green        
T  he silliest of notions
Why R  omeo took potion ba  sically    
To b  e or not to be   
To c  heat or not to che  at
B  elieve or not belie  ve that you're min  e     
Suspi  cion suspicion    
H  ow you've changed my hear  t
Suspi  cion suspicion    
Un  chain my hea  rt
Suspicion suspicion    
H  ow you've changed my hea  rt
Suspi  cion suspicion    
Un  chain my hea  rt
Anywhere you g  o all roads still lead to
It's ha  rder than you kno  w to be led back to  
Suspi  cion suspicion    
H  ow you've changed my hear  t
Suspi  cion suspicion    
Un  chain my hea  rt
Suspi  cion suspicion    
Ho  w you've changed my hea  rt
Suspi  cion    
Un  chain my hear  t


desj77, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-12-20
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