


Letras y música:Lisa Mitchell
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  You go on I'll be   okay
I can dream the rest a  way
Its just a little touch of f  ate, it will be o  kay
It sure takes its precious t  ime, but it's got rights and so hav  e I    (S/A)
  I turn my head up to the   sky
I focus one thought at a   time
I do not let the little th  ieves under my tightly buttoned s  leeves
You couldn't be alone, the   time I feel like I am walking   blind
I have no where I'll have t  ime
There are no legible s  igns          
There are no legible s  ii-i  -igns          (S/A) 
  I like the way that you   talk
I like the way that you   walk
It's hard to recreate s  uch an individual   game
You wait your turn in the q  ueue,
You say your sorry's and thank   you's
I don't think you're ever
A h  undred person in the   room          
You're not in the r  oom           
You're not in the r  oom           
Bada badada da   da bada badada da   da
Bada badada da d  a
  Bada badada d  a da bada badada d  a da
Bada badada da d  a         (S/A) 
  Deepest of all the dark   nights
Till I's, the highest of h  ighs
Neopolitan Dr  eams, stretching out to the   sea
You wait your turn in the q  ueue,
You say your sorry's and thank   you's
I don't think you're ever
A h  undred person in the   room          
You're not in the r  oom           
You're not in the r  oom
Bada badada da   da bada badada da   da
Bada badada da d  a
  Bada badada d  a da bada badada d  a da
Bada badada da d  a
Bada badada da   da bada badada da   da
Bada badada da d  a
  Bada badada d  a da bada badada d  a da
Bada badada da d  a


[anonyme], versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2012-05-10
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