

Letras y música:James Ho, Jessie Reyez, Lewis Marc Capaldi
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
T  he space between where our e  nds meet
h  as gone too much for me to block it out
I  'll miss the sound of your h  eartbeat
i  t's such a warming and familiar sound
I   hope you're finding   the p  ower
t  o help you make it through the darker days
F  or now I'll wait by the ho  ur
i  f you wanna take somebody's breath away    
I   hope you're lonely hope you're lost 'cause   I've been
and I need to think you're better off with  out me
I know we kept losing touch got lo  st in the rush
I pray you don't hurt too much
N  ow does it kill you when you think ab  out me?
Are you as close to giving up as I   feel?
I know we kept losing touch got lo  st in the rush
but I p  ray you don't hurt too much      
I   don't come close to an   angel
b  ut you ain't never been no carrousel (?)
W  hen we both cam  e together
w  ell that's the kind of feeling praying me (?)
W  e could've been her  e for  ever
m  aking manners 'til our number's out (?)
Y  ou brought the smoke and the   fire
w  e'd start a war if we were clo  se enough
I   hope you're lonely hope you're lost 'cause   I've been
and I need to think you're better off with  out me
I know we kept losing touch got lo  st in the rush
I pray you don't hurt too much
N  ow does it kill you when you think ab  out me?
Are you as close to giving up as I   feel?
I know we kept losing touch got lo  st in the rush
but I p  ray you don't hurt too much
O  h we had it all   but we let it fall
b  ut I hope you find whatever you were looking for
O  h we had it all   but we let it fall
l  ost in the rush but I p  ray you don't hurt too much
I   hope you're lonely hope you're lost 'cause   I've been
and I need to think you're better off with  out me
I know we kept losing touch got lo  st in the rush
I pray you don't hurt too much
N  ow does it kill you when you think ab  out me?
Are you as close to giving up as I   feel?
I know we kept losing touch got lo  st in the rush
but I p  ray you don't hurt too much
O  h we had it all   but we let it fall
b  ut I hope you find whatever you were looking for
O  h we had it all   but we let it fall
l  ost in the rush but I pray you   don't hurt too much     


americanzdream, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-28
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