


Letras y música:Leonard Cohen
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
Sh  e said she was a maiden
That wa  sn't what I heard
For the sa  ke of conversation
I to  ok  her  at her word
The li  ghts went out behind us
The fi  reflies undressed
The bro  ken sidewalk ended
I tou  ched her sleeping breasts
They ope  ned to me urgently
Like li  lies from the dead
Beh  ind a fine embroidery
Her ni  pples rose like bread
Then I   took off my necktie
And s  he took off her dress
My be  lt and pistol set aside
We t  ore away the rest
The nig  ht of Santiago
And I   was passing thr  ough
So I to  ok her t  o the riv  er
As an  y man would d  o
Her thi  ghs they slipped away from me
Like sch  ools of startled fish
Though I'  ve forgotten half my life
I still reme  mber this
Now a  s a man I won't repeat
The thi  ngs she said aloud
Except for th  is my lips are sealed forever
And for no  w
And so  on there's sand in every kiss
And so  on the dawn is ready
And so  on the night surrenders
To a daff  odil machete
I ga  ve her something pretty
And I wa  ited till she laughed
I was  n't born a gypsy
To m  ake a woman sad
The nig  ht of Santiago
And I   was passing thr  ough
So I to  ok her t  o the riv  er
As an  y man would d  o
The nig  ht of Santiago
And I   was passing thr  ough
So I to  ok her t  o the riv  er
As an  y man would d  o
I did  n't fall in love of course
It's nev  er up to you
But sh  e was walking back and forth
And I   was passing through
When I   took her to the river
In her v  irginal apparel
When I t  ook her to the riv  er
On that ni  ght of Santiago
And ye  s she lied about it all
Her chil  dren and her husband
Yo  u were born to judge the world
Forg  ive me but I wasn't
The nig  ht of Santiago
And I   was passing thr  ough
So I to  ok her t  o the riv  er
As an  y man would d  o
The nig  ht of Santiago
And I   was passing thr  ough
So I to  ok her t  o the riv  er
As an  y man would d  o
The nig  ht of Santiago
And I   was passing thr  ough
So I to  ok her t  o the riv  er
As an  y man would d  o
The nig  ht of Santiago
And I   was passing thr  ough
So I to  ok her t  o the riv  er
As an  y man would d  o


migmig, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-12-10
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