


Letras y música:Leonard Cohen
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
Now the C  aptain called me t  o his bed
He fu  mbled for my ha  nd
Ta  ke these silver ba  rs he said
I'm giv  ing you comm  and.
Comm  and of what there's n  o one here
There's on  ly you and m  e
All the re  st are dead or in retreat
Or wi  th the en  emy.
Complain c  omplain that's all   you've done
Eve  r since we lo  st
If it  's not the Crucifix  ion
Then it  's the Holocau  st.
May Ch  rist have mercy on you  r soul
For maki  ng such a jo  ke
Amid th  ese hearts that burn like coal
And the fles  h that rose like sm  oke.
I kn  ow that you have suf  fered lad
But su  ffer this awhi  le
Whateve  r makes a soldier sa  d
Will ma  ke a killer smi  le.
I'm le  aving Captain I've got to g  o
There's bl  ood upon your ha  nd
But te  ll me Captain if you know
Of a de  cent place to sta  nd.
There i  s no decent place to sta  nd
I  n a massac  re
But i  f a woman take your ha  nd
Then g  o and stand with he  r.
I lef  t a wife in Tennesse  e
And a b  aby in Saigo  n
I risk  ed my life but not to hear
Some co  untry-western son  g.
Ah but i  f you cannot raise your lov  e
To a v  ery high degre  e
Then you're ju  st the man I've been thinking o  f
So co  me and stand with m  e.
Your sta  nding days are done I cri  ed
You'll r  ally me no mor  e
I do  n't even know what side
We fo  ught on or what fo  r.
I'm on   the side that's always lo  st
Again  st the side of Heave  n
I'm o  n the side of Snake-eyes toss  ed
Again  st the side of Seve  n
And I've r  ead the Bill of Human Righ  ts
And som  e of it was tru  e
But th  ere wasn't any burden left
So I'm la  ying it on yo  u.
Now the Ca  ptain he was dy  ing
But the Ca  ptain wasn't hu  rt
The si  lver bars were i  n my hand
I pin  ned them to my shi  rt


musicbminh, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-24
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