


Letras y música:Jeffrey Lyle Fisher, Leonard Cohen
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
C  an you tell me why the bells are ri  nging?
N  othing's happened in a million ye  ars    
I  've been sitting here since Wednesday m  orning
W  ednesday morning c  an't believe my e  ars
J  azz police are looking through my f  olders
J  azz police are talking to my ni  ece    
J  azz police have got their final o  rders
J  azzer drop your a  xe it's Jazz pol  ice
J  esus taken serious by ma  ny
J  esus taken joyous by a fe  w     
J  azz police are paid by J. Paul Ge  tty
J  azzers paid by J  . Paul Getty I  I
J  azz police I hear you ca  lling
J  azz police I feel so b  lue
J  azz police I think I'm fa  lling
I  'm falling for y  ou
W  ild as any freedom loving r  acist
I   applaud the actions of the ch  ief    
T  ell me now oh beautiful and spa  cious
A  m I in trouble wi  th the Jazz pol  ice?
J  azz police are looking through my f  olders
J  azz police are talking to my ni  ece    
J  azz police have got their final o  rders
J  azzer drop your a  xe it's Jazz pol  ice
T  hey will never understand our cu  lture
T  hey'll never understand the Jazz po  lice   
J  azz police are working for my m  other
B  lood is thicker m  argarine than gr  ease
L  et me be somebody I admi  re
L  et me be that muscle down the stre  et    
S  tick another turtle on the fi  re
G  uys like me are m  ad for turtle me  at
J  azz police I hear you ca  lling
J  azz police I feel so b  lue
J  azz police I think I'm fa  lling
I  'm falling for y  ou
J  azz police are looking thr  ough my folders
J  azz police have got their fi  nal orders
J  azz police are looking thr  ough my folders
J  azz police have got their fi  nal orders


musicbminh, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-24
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