


Letras y música:Robinson Sharon Terea, Cohen Adam (Us 2), Cohen Leonard
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
I s  ee you in windows
That op  en so wide
There's not  hing beyond them
And no o  ne inside
You ki  ck off your sandals
And sh  ake out your hair
The sa  lt on your shoulders
Like spa  rks in the air
There's si  lt on your ankles
And sa  nd on your feet
The riv  er too shallow
The oc  ean too deep
You sm  ile at your suffering
The swe  etest reprieve
Wh  y did you leave us?
W  hy did you leave?
You ki  ck off your sandals
And sha  ke out your hair
It's to  rn where you're dancing
It's to  rn everywhere
It's to  rn on the right
And it's to  rn on the left
It's to  rn in the centre
Which fe  w can accept                  
It's to  rn where there's beauty
It's to  rn where there's death
It's to  rn where there's mercy
But to  rn somewhat less
It's to  rn in the highest
From kin  gdom to crown
The mess  ages fly
But the net  work is down
Bru  ised at the shoulder
And c  ut at the wrist
The se  a rushes home
To its thi  mble of mist
The oppo  sites falter
The spi  rals reverse
And Ev  e must re-enter
The sl  eep of her birth
And u  p through the system
The wor  lds are withdrawn
From ev  ery dominion
The mi  nd stood upon
And n  ow that you told her
And n  ow that it's done
The na  me has no number
No  t even the one                  
Come ga  ther the pieces
All sca  ttered and lost
The li  e in what's holy
The li  ght in what's not
The st  ory's been written
The let  ter's been sealed
You ga  ve me a lily
But n  ow it's a field
You ki  ck off your sandals
And sh  ake out your hair
It's to  rn where you're dancing
It's to  rn everywhere


billebault, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-15
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