


Letras y música:Cohen Leonard
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
O  ooooh ooh-oo  h so we'll g  o no more   no more
O  ooooh ooh-oo  h so we'll g  o no more a-ro  ving
So we'll g  o no more a-ro  ving
So la  te into the ni  ght
Though the he  art be still as lo  ving
And the mo  on be still as bri  ght
For the swo  rd outwears its she  ath
And the so  ul outwears the bre  ast
And the he  art must pause to br  eathe
And love it  self have   rest    
Lo  ve have
Though the ni  ght was made for lo  ving
And the da  y returns too so  on
Yet we'll g  o no more a-ro  ving
By the li  ght of the mo  on
By the li  ght o  f the mo  on                  
F  or the swo  rd outwears its she  ath
And the so  ul outwears the bre  ast   
And l  ove itself have r  est
Lo  ve have rest
Though the ni  ght was made for lo  ving
And the da  y returns too so  on
Yet we'll g  o no more a-ro  ving
By the li  ght of the mo  on
We'll g  o no mo  re a-r  oving
We'll g  o no mo  re a-r  oving
We'll g  o no mo  re a-r  oving
by the   light of t  he moon  
O  ooooh ooh-oo  h so we'll g  o no more   no more a-ro  ving


billebault, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-18
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