


Letras y música:Leonard Cohen
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
T  he Woman in blue she's a  sking for revenge
T  he man in white that's you says he h  as no friends
T  he river is swollen up with r  usty cans
A  nd the trees are burning in your p  romised land
A  nd there are no letters in the m  ailbox
A  nd there are no grapes upon the vi  ne
A  nd there are no chocolates in the b  oxes anymore
And there are no d  iamonds in the m  ine
W  ell you tell me that your lover has a b  roken limb
Y  ou say your kinda restless now and it's   on account of him
W  ell I saw the man in question it was j  ust the other night
H  e was eating up a lady where the l  ions and christians fight
A  nd there are no letters in the m  ailbox
A  nd there are no grapes upon the vi  ne
A  nd there are no chocolates in the b  oxes anymore
And there are no d  iamonds in the m  ine
T  here is no comfort in the c  ovens of the witch
S  ome very clever doctor went and s  terilised the bitch
A  nd the only man of energy yes the r  evolution's pride
H  e trained a hundred women just to k  ill an unborn child
A  nd there are no letters in your   mailbox
A  nd there are no grapes upon your v  ine
A  nd there are no chocolates in your   boxes anymore
And there are no d  iamonds in your   mine


billebault, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-08-19
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