


Letras y música:Leonard Cohen
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
Ma  ybe I'm still hu  rting I ca  n't turn    the other che  ek
But you know that I still lo  ve you it's j  ust that I   can't spe  ak
I lo  oked for you in e  veryone and they ca  lled me on that t  oo
I li  ved alo  ne but I   was o  nly c  oming ba  ck to yo  u
They're shutting down the fa  ctory now just when a  ll the bi  lls are du  e
And the fields they're under lo  ck and key
Though the r  ain and the s  un come thro  ugh
And spr  ingtime starts but the  n it stops in the na  me of something n  ew
And al  l the se  nses ri  se agai  nst this c  oming ba  ck to yo  u
And they're ha  nding down my se  ntence now and I kn  ow what I must do  
Ano  ther mile of s  ilence while I'm co  ming back to yo  u
The  re are many i  n your life and ma  ny st  ill to be  
Since you are a sh  ining light there's m  any th  at you'll se  e
But I ha  ve to deal with e  nvy when you cho  ose the precious f  ew
Who've le  ft their pri  de on the o  ther si  de of c  oming ba  ck to yo  u
  Even in your a  rms I k  now I'll   never get it r  ight
Even when you be  nd to give me c  omfort i  n the ni  ght
I've g  ot to have your wo  rd on this or no  ne of it is tr  ue
And al  l I've sa  id was ju  st inste  ad of c  oming ba  ck to yo  u


billebault, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-25
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