


Letras y música:Leonard Patrick Raymond, Leonard Cohen
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
o ga  ther up the brok  enness
and br  ing it to me n  ow
the fr  agrance of those pro  mises
you ne  ver dared to v  ow
the s  plinters that you c  arry
the cr  oss you left be  hind
come he  aling of the b  ody
come h  ealing of the m  ind
and l  et the heavens h  ear it
the pe  nitential hy  mn
come h  ealing of the s  pirit
come he  aling of the l  imb
beh  old the gates of m  ercy
in ar  bitrary spa  ce
and no  ne of us dese  rving
the cr  uelty or the gr  ace
o sol  itude of lon  ging
where l  ove has been c  onfined
come he  aling of the b  ody
come he  aling of the m  ind
o s  ee the darkness yi  elding
that t  ore the light a  part
come h  ealing of the re  ason
come he  aling of the he  art
o tr  oubled dust co  ncealing
an un  divided l  ove
the h  eart beneath is te  aching
to the b  roken heart ab  ove
o le  t the heavens f  alter
and l  et the earth pr  oclaim:
come he  aling of the al  tar
come he  aling of the na  me
o lo  nging of the b  ranches
to l  ift the little b  ud
o lo  nging of the art  eries
to pu  rify the blo  od
and l  et the heavens he  ar it
the pen  itential hy  mn
come h  ealing of the sp  irit
come h  ealing of the l  imb
o le  t the heavens he  ar it
the pe  nitential h  ymn
come h  ealing of the sp  irit
come h  ealing of the l  imb


musicbminh, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-24
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