

Letras y música:Lene Marlin
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
    Please, come and   find me, my l  ove     
I'm re  ady now   to come h  ome   
    Please, come and   find me, my l  ove     
Let's leave   this place,   let's   leave no trac  e
Can you   hear me, my l  ove?
I'm   shouting in the ra  in
Can you   hear me  ?                 
Can you   see me, my l  ove?
I'm   drawing in the sa  nd
Can you   see me  ?                 
I   hope that I'm still   with you
That you   are with m  e
You   always will b  e           
    Please, come and   find me, my l  ove     
I'm re  ady now   to come h  ome   
    Please, come and   find me, my l  ove     
Let's leave   this place,   let's   leave no trac  e
|   |   |   |  
Can you   feel me, my l  ove?
I'm   hurting so b  ad
Can you   feel me  ?                 
Can you   tell about my th  oughts?
I   wish that you were h  ere
Do you   know it  ?                 
The   time that I've h  ad
Don't n  eed anym  ore
  You're the one I w  ait for        
    Please, come and   find me, my l  ove     
I'm re  ady now   to come h  ome   
    Please, come and   find me, my l  ove     
Let's leave   this place,   let's   leave no trac  e
|   |   |   |   | (x2)
    Please, come and   find me, my l  ove     
I'm re  ady now   to come h  ome   
    Please, come and   find me, my l  ove     
Let's leave   this place,   let's   leave no trac  e                             


Dggjcvgnspg, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2020-05-03
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