


  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :           
  Lyin',   cheatin',   hurtin, that's a  ll you seem to   do                
  Messin'around, ever  y guy in town
  Puttin'me down for thi  nkin'of someone ne  w                  
  Always the same, pl  ayin'your game
  Drive me insane, tro  uble's gonna come to y  ou                 
  One of these days, and it   won't be long
  You'll look for me, but, b  aby, I'll be g  one
Th  is is all I go  tta say to ya,   woman
Yo  ur time is gonna co  me, your   time is gonna c  ome
Yo  ur time is gonna c  ome, your t  ime is gonna   come
  Made up my m  ind, break y  ou this time
W  on't be so kind, it's m  y tur  n to   cry  
Do   what you want, I   won't take the brunt
  It's fadin'away, can  't feel you anymor  e                  
  Don't care what you say 'c  ause I'm goin'away to stay
  Gonna make you pay for th  at great big hole in my h  eart               
  People talkin'all a  round
  Watch out, woman, no long  er is the joke go  nna be on my heart
Yo  u been bad to me, wo  man, but it's co  min'back home to you
Yo  ur time is gonna co  me, your   time is gonna co  me
Yo  ur time is gonna c  ome, your ti  me is gonna c  ome
Yo  ur time is gonna c  ome, 'bye,   'bye-'bye, ba  by
Yo  ur time is gonna co  me, right n  ow, right now  
Yo  ur time is gonna c  ome, beli  eve me, my gi  rl
Yo  ur time is gonna co  me, oh, o  h, oh, oh-oh   
Yo  ur time is gonna c  ome, nah-n  ah, nah-nah,   nah-nah
Yo  ur time is gonna c  ome, I'm   not likely to w  ait for ya
Yo  ur time is gonna c  ome, good  bye, baby      


elnadino, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2014-12-17
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