

Letras y música:Mark Ronson, Kevin Tucker Michael, Lady Gaga, Hillary Lee Lindsey
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
Intro :  
I   can't wait to smoke them all
W  hole pack like Marlboro
B  low it in your face blow it in your face
B  low it in your blow it in your face
I   can't wait to rev you up
F  aster than you can say "Ferrari"
T  earin' up the gravel watch you unravel
N  ow it's a party
I   can't wait to cast my spell
W  hich one you'll never tell
'  Cause I got it covered city baby's older
G  ot you drippin' like no other
G  et off on me my body's got you pleadin'
L  ight me up I'm breathin'
M  irror on the ceiling
G  et off on me my body's got you pleadin'
L  ight me up I'm breathin'
M  irror on the ceiling
W  e smokin' 'em all
W  e smokin' 'em all
I   can't wait to blaze for real
T  rack burns like a road rail
S  pin it in your face spin it in your face
P  lay it in your play it in your face
C  an't wait to get you shook up
F  aster than you can try to hate it
Y  ou can try to hate it you can try to fake it
But baby I laced it
G  et off on me my body's got you pleadin'
L  ight me up I'm breathin'
M  irror on the ceiling
G  et off on me my body's got you pleadin'
L  ight me up I'm breathin'
M  irror on the ceiling
A  -YO A-YO We smokin' em' all
A  -YO A-YO We smokin' em' all
A  -YO A-YO (We smokin' em' all)
A  -YO A-YO (We smokin' em' all)
G  et off on me my body's got you pleadin'
L  ight me up I'm breathin'
M  irror on the ceiling
G  et off on me my body's got you pleadin'
L  ight me up I'm breathin'
M  irror on the ceiling
A  -YO A-YO We smokin' em' all
A  -YO A-YO We smokin' em' all
A  -YO A-YO We smokin' em' all
A  -YO A-YO We smokin' em' all


Teha, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-10-06
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