


Letras y música:Jude Anthony Cole, Kiefer Sutherland
  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
Intro :           
Pull the   shades, lock the   door,
Drag your   feet across the   floor
Memories   hang in the   hall
Pull them   down off the   wall
Now it's d  one, she is   gone, long   gone           
  There's not enough whiskey   in the world tonight
  Not enough whiskey for you   to see the light
  Not enough whiskey to make it   all alright
  It's time to say   goodnight                          
Find a   match, light a   smoke
Then it   hits you, there's no   hope
Steady   hands start to   shake
For the   hurt you can't   take
'Cause it's   done, she is   gone, long   gone        
  Not enough whiskey in the   world tonight
  Not enough whiskey for you   to see the light
  Not enough whiskey to make it   all alright
  It's time to say   goodnight
Tell   yourself it's   alright
She'll be   coming home   tonight
But you   know that ain't   true
'Cause she's   with someone   new
Blame   yourself, but that ain't   fair
So   pretend you don't   care                         
Pour the   drinks, throw them   back
As your   heart starts to   crack
Grab the   phone, make the   call
As the   tears start to   fall
But it's   done, she is   gone, long   gone           
  Not enough whiskey in the   world tonight
  Theres not enough whiskey for   you to see the light
  There's not enough whiskey to make it   all alright
  It's time to say   goodnight
  Not enough whiskey in the   world tonight           
  Theres not enough whiskey to make it   all alright
  It's time to say   goodnight


Jean Dupont, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2020-04-16
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