


  • D
  • E♭
  • E
  • F
  • G♭
  • G
  • A♭
  • A
  • B♭
  • B
  • C
  • D♭
  • D
There   once was a musical troop   a pickin  ' singin' folk g  roup
They s  ang the mountain b  allads and the folk songs of our l  and
They were l  ong on musical a  bility folks t  hought they would go f  ar
But p  olitical incompatibilit  y  l  ed to their downf  all
Well the o  ne on the right was o  n the left
And the o  ne on the middle was o  n the right
And the o  ne on the left was i  n the middle
And the g  uy in the rear was a M  ethodist
This musical aggr  egation t  oured the entire n  ation
Singing t  raditional b  allads and the folk songs of our l  and
They perf  ormed with great virtuos  ity and s  oon they were the r  age
But p  olitical animosit  y  p  revailed upon the s  tage
Well the o  ne on the right was o  n the left
And the o  ne on the middle was o  n the right
And the o  ne on the left was i  n the middle
And the g  uy in the rear burned his driver's l  icense
When the curtain had a  scended a h  ush fell on the c  rowd
As t  housands there were g  athered to hear the folk songs of our l  and
But they t  ook their politics s  eriously
A  nd that night at the concert h  all
As the a  udience watched delir  iously t  hey had a free for a  ll
Well the o  ne on the right was o  n the bottom
And the o  ne on the middle was o  n the top
And the o  ne on the left got a b  roken arm
And the g  uy on his rear said oh d  ear
Now this should be a l  esson i  f you plan to start a f  olk group
D  on't go mixing p  olitics with the folk songs of our l  and
Just w  ork on harmony and d  iction p  lay your banjo w  ell
And if y  ou have political c  onviction k  eep 'em to y  ourself
Now the o  ne on the left works i  n the bank
And the o  ne on the middle d  rives a truck
The one o  n the right's an a  ll night DJ
And the g  uy in the rear got d  rafted


Kyrstenaoda, versión 1.0


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Versión: 1.0
Última modificación: 2022-11-14
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